The Different Ways To Clean Urine Stain From Your Mattress

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There are several ways to remove urine stains. One method involves applying a solution made of equal parts of white vinegar and distilled white vinegar. After this solution has been applied, it should be blotted with a dry, white paper towel. The blotter should then be rinsed with plain water. You can repeat this process as many times as necessary. If this method doesn’t work, you can also try a homemade solution made of baking soda and water.

Ways To Remove Urine Stains From the Mattress

While there is urine on any mattress there is not only the stain but the smell too. You will have to get both pee stain and smell from the mattress. But if the stain can be removed, the smell will gradually vanish. 

There are many different methods to remove urine stains from mattress, but one of the most effective is a six-step process that uses supplies that you probably already have. Professional urine stain removal products can be expensive and difficult to use. In addition, the urine stain removal process can also leave behind a foul odor. This article will show you how to get rid of pee stains without having to spend a fortune on expensive products.

Baking soda

If you have a urine stain on your mattress, baking soda will help you get rid of the smell. To remove the urine stain completely, you will need to allow the mattress to dry out for about 18 to 24 hours before vacuuming away the baking soda. You should prop the mattress up outside or in a well-ventilated area during this process. If possible, you should let the mattress air out before applying the baking soda.

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Hydrogen peroxide, which is easily available at any pharmacy, is an excellent choice for removing a urine stain from a mattress. This bleach is a powerful oxidizer, meaning it can kill bacteria and neutralize odors. It may bleach some fabrics, so it is best to mix hydrogen peroxide with baking soda or dish soap. Spray the solution on the stained area and let it sit overnight or for at least five hours.

Enzyme-based cleaning solution

Enzyme-based cleaning solutions are the best choice for removing urine stains from mattresses. However, they can discolor the mattress. Make sure to follow the cleaning instructions on the product package. Another way to remove urine stains from mattresses is to clean the bedding. It’s easier to remove pee stains from bedding than from the mattress. After removing the bedding, you can throw it into the washing machine with distilled white vinegar. Be sure not to use any detergent because the urine will contain harmful bacteria.


There are several different ways to get rid of urine stains on your mattress. Blotting the urine will remove the stain and any lingering smell. Scrubbing the mattress with detergent and washing soda will push the urine deeper into the mattress foam, which is harder to remove. In addition, scrubbing can make the mattress smell like urine, which can lead to mold. Another option is to sprinkle baking soda over the entire mattress. Once the baking soda has dried, it is time to vacuum the mattress.

Household Remedies For Cleaning Urine Stains From Mattresses


For people who are unsure whether bleach will work on a urine stain, a homemade cleaner with eight ounces of hydrogen peroxide, three tablespoons of baking soda, and two to four drops of dish or liquid laundry detergent will help. Spray the mixture directly on the stain and allow it to dry for several hours. The baking soda will form a residue on the stained area, so it’s best to vacuum it up after. This mixture will neutralize any smell that may be present.

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While household bleach contains mostly water, it contains some chemicals called sodium hypochlorite. When mixed with urine, it reacts with ammonia and makes a highly toxic gas. This gas is also very irritating to the skin. If this solution is not used properly, it can cause skin irritation. The chemical can also cause toxic fumes if inhaled. To avoid these hazards, do not use bleach alone on urine stains.


You might think that you can’t use Ammonia as a household cleaner to get rid of a urine stain. However, this chemical can serve many other purposes. Regardless of the situation, you should still try using ammonia to clean the stain. It’s one of the most cost-effective ways to remove urine stains. For a more cost-effective urine stain remover, you can mix 1/2 cup ammonia with one gallon of water. Make sure to coat the stain thoroughly and allow it to dry before continuing.

Rubbing alcohol

A household cleaner that contains rubbing alcohol works great at cleaning a urine stain. This substance disinfects by penetrating deep into the surface. It can remove urine stains from clothing, furniture, and other surfaces. However, it can also damage delicate materials, so you need to prepare the stain-affected surface first. 

Sometimes rubbing alcohol does not do the exact wonder it is supposed to and the delicate material can be ruined. And if the uring stain is rough and on multiple places, disposing of the mattress is a better option as both the stain and smell can affect the user. 

And if you want to know how to dispose of a mattress, there are several answers to that. You can offer your mattress to various charitable institutions or orphanages. You can also sell off your mattress on various sites. But it all depends on your budget as a mattress is a heavy investment. If you are not willing to buy another mattress then read on for some more methods of cleaning your mattress. 

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Enzymatic cleaners

Several enzymatic household cleaners are available on the market today. While pets are a great source of joy, they can also be a major cause of messes around the house. Muddy paw prints and bathroom accidents are two common culprits, but enzymatic cleaners can help with these unpleasant problems as well. Here are some of the best ways to use enzymatic household cleaners to remove a urine stain and get rid of the smell.

White vinegar 

White vinegar can be used to clean urine stains on carpets, curtains, and windows. The acid content of vinegar will break down urine and odor. This household cleaner will also sanitize the area. However, be sure to use this solution on old stains only. The smell of urine will increase the cleaning process. For best results, use distilled white vinegar for urine stains.

After the urine stain has soaked in the vinegar solution, you should wash the bedding with cold water. Warm water may set the urine stain. Use paper towels to remove excess moisture. You may need to repeat the process several times if the stain is very deep. To make sure you’ve successfully cleaned urine stains, be sure to follow these tips. Once you’ve followed these tips, you’ll be on your way to a clean and fresh mattress!


So, these are some effective home remedies to get rid of urine stains from your mattress. You can suggest in the comments if you have some different hacks as well. 

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